International Days 2021
Women will lead the transformation of EU future #FoodSafety System through #FoodSafety4EU: lead by Veronica Lattazio (@CNRsocial_ ), 64% of its researchers are women, leading 7/9 WPs. We #ChooseToChallenge the societal transformation lead by women also in other sectors! #IWD2021
Even if the hazard/risk for human health is still unknown, recent studies documented the micro-/nanoplastic migration into food. Choose #sustainabiliy, choose to be a #SustainableConsumer: let’s reduce plastic use! #NoPlasticPollution #WorldConsumerRightsDay
Today is the #WorldWaterDay2021 and we focus on plastic use reduction to limit tap #water pollution and on the need to increase knowledge and data on the indirect effect on human #health
ππ₯You wonβt find a better nutritional source than #fruits and #vegetables!
π₯¦And for the #WorldHealthDay2021 we celebrated the importance to adopt healthier diets!
By eating fruits and #veggies you will get to enjoy a variety of flavours and textures which also let you get creative in the kitchen. Most fruits and vegetables have plenty of fiber to fill you up and boost bowel health. Based on the available evidence on bowel function, #EFSA recommends a daily dietary fibre intake of 25 g per day for adults.
ππ It is recommended that fibre intakes should be achieved through a variety of food sources: fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, pulses etc.
π Today we celebrate International #MotherEarthday, on which we acknowledge the impact we have on our Spaceship Earth π
π§ Did you know that the European Food System uses over 90 million tonnes of paper every year for #packaging materials and boxes? Much of this is made from recycled paper and board. Recycling 1 tonne of paper saves about 1 tonne of CO2, and save enough energy to power more than 500 homes for a day.
π Let’s make the difference together!
π£ We celebrate the #EuropeDay 2021 with the statement released by Bernhard Url (European Food Safety Authority – @efsa_eu‘s Executive Director) to the #FoodSafety4EU project!
Thanks very much for these words and for stressing the importance of the European Union, also in the #foodsafety domain!
π Bees (but also other pollinators) are essential to our life on this planet.
They ensure biodiversity and vibrant ecosystems for plants, humans and the bees themselves, and⦠they produce honey, a precious food for us!
π― Honey is made of glucose, fructose and other sugars: this manageable composition along with the lack of certifications, standards and traceability makes it easy to adulterate product.
π¬Given this, to keep track of the product back to its origin (bothanical, geographic, etc.) is essential to keep track of the product back to its origin is essential: nowadays, we can count on blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, big data and other technologies to guarantee food traceability and its safety.
A more reliable set of tools for food and feed analysis that could be used all along the food value chain can allow reduce food recalls thus minimising food losses.
Boosting metrology in food and nutrition benefits Society as a whole and the economy, providing reliable measurements for trade, health, safety, environmental protection, sustainability of agrifood systems and law enforcement, and providing evidence of this reliability.
π #WorldEnvironmentDay #seafood
Microplastics in the #environment represent a concern also for the impacts that they can have in the #food. Experimental evidence in marine organisms indicates that microplastics have the potential to be transferred between trophic levels.
π¬ Available data from seafood species and fish documented microplastic content, mostly in the gastrointestinal tract.
π¦ͺ Bivalves, such as mussels, and certain species of small fish are eaten without removal of the digestive tract, and thus could represent a risk for consumers. Moreover, these particles can contain on average 4% of additives and the plastics can adsorb contaminants and main plastic additives, which could present additional harmful effect for humans.
π On #WorldFoodSafetyDay, let’s Team up for food safety!
π½οΈβ World #FoodSafety actors should better coordinate to effectively consider all elements in the #foodchain to ensure that we eat #SafeFood
π£ On July 3rd we celebrated #CoopsDay by planning to “Rebuild Better Together”
π§ #ConsumerCoops transform our #foodsystems through sustainable & ethical #valuechains, which ultimately guarantees #foodsafety, quality and supply.
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YouAreIn E-learning platform for food entrepreneurship
Building a Network of Knowledge
Resources for Food Safety communication and education
#Safe2EatEU campaign by EFSA
Back to school campaign
Summer educational campaign
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#Voices from Food Business Operators