Sicurezza alimentare e sostenibilità: co-progettazione di idee per la ricerca del futuro
Food Safety and Sustainability: co-designing ideas for future research
The participatory lab is organized by the EU FOOD SAFETY PLATFORM, and its members CNR ISPA and IZS-UM Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Umbria e delle Marche “Togo Rosati”.
It will involve invited Italian experts and young researchers to outline the future scenarios of food research in line with certain sustainable development goals, by applying the participatory process tested by the EU FOOD SAFETY PLATFORM.
The event will be conducted in the Italian language and will unfold in two phases:
1. In-depth exploration of:
Scenarios and research framework on food safety and sustainability (EU Food 2030 Agenda, regulations on sustainability and transparency, FoodSafety4EU agenda on food safety/emerging risks vs sustainable productions); approaches and skills to seize opportunities arising from EU programs
2. Co-design:
participants, starting from innovative research ideas, will be supported in the development and application of new approaches (e.g., multi-actor, systemic, One Health, SDGs) for the co-creation of competitive proposals.
Addressing the sustainability aspects characterizing the developed research ideas, the meeting will contribute to the implementation of the Agenda for the following objectives:
2: ZERO HUNGER – sustainable food production systems and resilient productions (2.4);
3: HEALTH AND WELL-BEING – reduction of negative health effects resulting from food and environmental contaminations (3.9)
12: RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION – awareness-raising on reducing losses along production and supply chains (12.3) and on the adoption of sustainable practices.
For more information, contact Veronica Lattanzio, EU FOOD SAFETY PLATFORM Coordinator, at
The event contributes to the Italian Festival Sviluppo Sostenibile organized by the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), which brings together almost 300 member organizations among the civil society. It aims to raise the awareness of the Italian society, economic stakeholders and institutions about the importance of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and to mobilize them to pursue the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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