FS4EU at GenB Common Ground Camp on Bioeconomy education
Feb 21 – 22, 2023, 09:00 AM (EET), Athina, – Greece
FS4EU communication methods
FS4EU will participate in the GenB Camp to present new communication approaches experimented in our platform with schools and companies last year.
Line Lindner – ISEKI-Food Association, partner of our project, will share the experience of the FSOLab 4 on new communication methods, presenting new tools for education and training in the food safety field.
The two-day Common Ground Camp will promote bioeconomy practices in school settings and foster a future generation that is enthusiastic about bioeconomy and adopts more sustainable habits and lifestyles. The Camp is organized by the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature, within the GenB project.
This participatory workshop will focus on the exchange of information, presentation of inspirational examples as well as the co-creation of innovative methods and approaches.
The Common Ground Camp is aimed at both formal and non-formal education communities (universities, education policymakers and regional authorities, school administrators, teachers, and other multipliers such as museums, science communicators, youth organizations, and community groups), as well as EU-funded projects/initiatives.
Agenda and registration here
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