NTP 2022-Realising the True Potential of Nonthermal Processing Technologies in Future Food Production
From 4 to 6 November the University College Dublin will host the EFFoST / IFT-NPD Workshop on Nonthermal Processing of Foods in the city of Dublin, Ireland.
The food industry is currently facing many major challenges including a growing global population that is also ageing, the need for improved sustainability in the food supply, and increasing consumer demands for greater product choice and confidence. All in a market where diet and health are increasingly coming to the fore as consumer priorities.
The Nonthermal Processing Workshop will explore the theme: Realising the True Potential of Nonthermal Processing Technologies in Future Food Production and it will consists of a two-day workshop including lectures and poster presentations.
This is preceded by a one-day short course that provides fundamental foundation knowledge of non-thermal technologies.
Read the Programme and register to the event here
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