Organic Innovation Days 2021: Better inputs for organic farming
The Organic Innovation Days 2021, TP Organics annual public event and the only EU event on research & innovation for organic, will take place on 30 November – 1 December 2021, under the title ‘Better inputs for organic farming‘. Due to the many remaining unknowns of the Covid-19 situation, it will once more be an online event.
For this year’s edition of the Organic Innovation Days, TP Organics will partner with the European research projects RELACS and Organic-PLUS. These two Horizon 2020-funded EU projects aim at reducing the use of contentious inputs in organic farming systems. The Organic Innovation Days provide a unique opportunity to meet members of TP Organics, network with EU stakeholders and decision-makers, as well as discuss and exchange with the RELACS and Organic-PLUS project partners.
Day 1: Alternatives to contentious inputs in organic farming: Participants will be taking a closer look at plant protection products such as copper and mineral oil, as well as soil and nutrients, peat and plastic, antibiotics, vitamins, and novel bedding materials in livestock husbandry.
Day 2: Socio-economic aspects and the way forward for contentious inputs: On the second day, Organic-PLUS and RELACS experts will present the socio-economic results of the projects in 3 differerent sessions.
These exchanges will be followed by a high-level policy debate on how to tackle contentious inputs in organic farming. The European Commission’s Directorate General on Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) will introduce the topic and how the Organic Action Plan can contribute. The RELACS and Organic-PLUS project coordinators will conclude the event and point out next steps.
Download the draft programme & register here by 28 November!
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