European Citizens’ Views on Science and Technology
New Eurobarometer Report
The latest Eurobarometer report, provides key insights into European citizens’ knowledge and attitudes towards science and technology. The survey explores public awareness, trust in scientific advancements, and perceptions of the benefits and risks of emerging technologies.

Key topics covered include:
– Understanding of science and technology and sources of information
– Impact on society, including climate change and innovation
– Governance and public access to research results
– Trust in scientists and their role in society
This report offers valuable data for policymakers, researchers, and industry leaders working to bridge the gap between science and society.
Read the full report here
Latest Reports, scientific publications
Cultivating collaboration and innovation in food safety: outcomes of the “2nd EU Food Safety Forum′′
European Citizens’ Views on Science and Technology
EFSA Report: Impact of Azole Fungicides on Aspergillus spp. Resistance
Food Drink Europe’s Data & Trends 2024 Report
Digital Net-Map tool for multi-stakeholder networks in Food Safety Risk Analysis
Food Supplements – a white paper by LCG AXIO
Most Interesting Reports, scientific publications
Virtual social labs – requirements and limitations for online settings to be effective
The European Researchers’skills
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